A built-in for getting index-and-value pairs from a list


Author:  Ricardo Signes <rjbs@semiotic.systems>
ID:      0016
Status:  Implemented


This PPC proposes indexed, a new builtin for interleaving a list of values with their index in that list. Among other things, this makes key/value iteration on arrays easy.


With v5.36.0 poised to add n-at-a-time foreach, easily getting a list of index/value pairs from an array makes iteration over the pairs also becomes easy.


If we start with the specific case of iterating over the indexes and values of an array using two-target foreach, we might write this:

for my ($i, $value) (%array[ keys @array ]) {
  say "$i == $value";

This is tolerable, but a bit verbose. If we bury our target array deep in a structure, we get this:

for my ($i, $value) ($alpha->{beta}->[0]->%[ keys $alpha->{beta}->[0]->@* ]) {
  say "$i == $value";

This is pretty bad.

With indexed, we write this:

for my ($i, $value) (indexed $alpha->{beta}->[0]->@*) {
  say "$i == $value";

This is probably about as simple as this can get without some significant new addition to the language.


indexed LIST

indexed takes a list of arguments.

In scalar context, indexed evalutes to the number of entries in its argument, just like keys or values. This is useless, and issues a warning in the new “scalar” category:

Useless use of indexed in scalar context

In void context, the Useless use of %s in void context warning is issued.

In list context, indexed LIST evalutes to a list twice the size of the list, meshing the values with a list of integers starting from zero. All values are copies, unlike values ARRAY. (If your LIST was actually an array, you can use the index to modify the array that way!)

Backwards Compatibility

There should be no significant backwards compatibility concerns. indexed will be imported only when requested. Static analysis tools may need to be updated.

A polyfill for indexed can be provided for older perls, but may not be as optimizable.

Security Implications

Nothing specific predicted.


(See the examples under Rationale.)

I expect that docs for keys and values will be updated to reference indexed as well, and we’ll add a note about it to the documentation on for and possibly pair slices.

When n-at-a-time foreach is no longer experimental, we should refer to the combination of for my (...) (...) with indexed as forming an alternative to each in the documentation for each.

Prototype Implementation


Future Scope

I believe this will be complete as is.

Rejected Ideas

This proposal replaces one for kv which could be called on hash or array literals to act like a combination of keys and values.

That proposal replaced one for a slice syntax that evaluated to a slice that omitted nothing.

Open Issues


Copyright (C) 2021, Ricardo Signes.

This document and code and documentation within it may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.